Seismic System

The Onto Seismic System is specially designed for static and earthquake loads. Boğaziçi University Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KRDAE) have been tested in two stages in the laboratories of Earthquake Engineering Department.
In the first stage, the raised floor system was subjected to a vertical load test of 22kN / m2. In the second stage, the system loaded with a load of 11kN / m2 was evaluated as seismic performance in the 1995 Kobe Earthquake
(KJMA) (Mw = 6.9) jar table tests with PGA (Highest Acceleration)of 0.81g.
The Onto Seismic System is designed not to require the use of diagonal bracing in order to leave large volumes of cable and ventilation ducts underneath.

What are the advantages?

Who Prefer?

Onto Raised Floor Systems are heavily preferred in enterprises where there is very intense wiring, ventilation and water installation occupy floor space. It is also preferred in large office areas because it eliminates the dependence on the installation in the space layout plan and provides space saving.

Who Prefer?

Onto Raised Floor Systems are heavily preferred in enterprises where there is very intense wiring, ventilation and water installation occupy floor space. It is also preferred in large office areas because it eliminates the dependence on the installation in the space layout plan and provides space saving.

Designed By Fikirbuzz

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